Title: If I have retiree coverage through the FEHB, do I need to enroll in Medicare?
Article Snip: "...Should I enroll in Part B if I have FEHB coverage? Deciding whether to enroll in Part B is complicated. And unlike Medicare Part A, all enrollees pay a premium for Medicare Part B ($171.10/month in 2022 for most people). While FEHB plans cover most of the same types of expenses that Medicare covers, FEHB plans’ coverage may be more limited than Medicare Part B when it comes to orthopedic and prosthetic devices, durable medical equipment, home healthcare, medical supplies, and chiropractic care. Conversely, FEHB plans cover emergency care received outside the United States, and this isn’t covered by Original Medicare at all – and is rarely covered by Medicare Advantage. FEHB plans may also pay for vision and dental care that’s not covered by Original Medicare and is limited in Medicare Advantage.
Reference: www.medicareresources.org
Medicare and FEHB,Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, FEHB plans, vision and dental care,