Sunday, March 20, 2022

2023 Social Security COLA Estimated at 7.6% as CPI Keeps Rising

Title: 2023 Social Security COLA Estimated at 7.6% as CPI Keeps Rising

Article Snip: "...consumer price index release showing that prices over the past year through February have risen by 7.9% — the largest increase since since January 1982, and 0.8% from January to February, are just the beginning, as that number doesn’t include commodity price jumps due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the extraordinary jump in energy prices..."


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Postal Service Reform Act of 2022, H.R. 3076 Passes Senate

Title: Postal Service Reform Act of 2022, H.R. 3076 Passes Senate

Article Snip: "... aligns retiree healthcare with the best practices in the private sector that lower premiums for NPMHU members and our fellow postal employees as well as safeguarding benefits..."

Reference: NPMHU LOcal 317
Postal Service Reform Act of 2022, H.R. 3076, Postal News,