Showing posts with label 10 Costly Medicare Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 10 Costly Medicare Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

No. 1 Best Seller | 10 Costly Medicare Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make

Title: 10 Costly Medicare Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make

No. 1 Best Seller | 10 Costly Medicare Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make
Article Snip: "UPDATED WITH 2024 MEDICARE INFORMATION...New to Medicare - This book will help anyone approaching Medicare eligibility at age 65 who needs to learn the basics and is afraid of making a mistake that will result in penalties or inadequate healthcare coverage

✓ Retiring after 65 - Perhaps you have worked past age 65 and maintained employer coverage but now you are retiring and want to successfully transition from group health insurance coverage to Medicare as your primary coverage. This book will show you the exact steps to take while also sidestepping unexpected (and often undeserved) late enrollment penalties.

✓ Beneficiaries Facing Indecision - Get this book if It's time for you to make a choice between a Medigap plan (Medicare supplement) and Medicare Advantage but you find yourself torn and aren't sure which route would be a better fit for you.

✓ Confused by Election Periods - Are all the various Medicare election periods making your head spin? This book carefully explains what changes and plan selections you can make during the various election periods and more importantly, what those election periods WON'T give you that you probably expect.

✓ Adult Children and Caregivers - If you find yourself in a situation where you need to help your parents make Medicare coverage decisions but have no idea how Medicare works, this book will be immensely helpful to you.

Every year thousands of seniors make big mistakes during their Medicare enrollment that can result in expensive penalties and untold hours of hassle and headaches. While some of these mistakes are fixable, others can affect you for the rest of your life.

In 10 Costly Medicare Mistakes, Medicare expert Danielle K. Roberts exposes the most common pitfalls that new to Medicare beneficiaries unwittingly make and shares how to expertly avoid them. ...

Reference: Amazon