Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Life Tables for the United StatesSocial Security Area1900-2100

Title: Life Tables for the United StatesSocial Security Area1900-2100

Article Snip: "...Actuarial Study No. 120 displays life tables based on historical and projected mortality in the area covered by the United States Social Security program. This projected mortality was used in estimating the future costs for the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program included in the2005 Report of the OASDI Board of Trustees to Congress. A web address for this and other Actuarial Studies is www.socialsecurity.gov/OACT/NOTES/actstud.html.The historical calendar year life tables in this study differ from those published by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). NCHS prepares U.S. Decennial Life Tables based on the decennial census of population and deaths for a three year period containing the census year..."

Reference: www.ssa.gov

Why Delaying Social Security Benefits Could Be a Costly Mistake

Title: Why Delaying Social Security Benefits Could Be a Costly Mistake

Article Snip: "...Determining whether it's wiser to claim early or delay benefits comes down to your life expectancy. If you have health issues or other reason to believe you won't spend a long time in retirement, waiting to claim benefits may not make financial sense. For example, if you live until, say, age 75, you'll likely receive much more in benefits overall if you were to claim as early as possible at 62 rather than wait until age 70..."

Reference: madison.com
When should I start collecting social security?,

WEP: Here's How Having A Pension Affects Your Social Security Benefits

Title: Here's How Having A Pension Affects Your Social Security Benefits

Article Snip: "...The WEP may impact your retirement income if you qualify for both a pension and Social Security benefits. The WEP has been an ongoing source of debate among lawmakers. It was initially implemented to add fairness to the Social Security benefit calculation. But now lawmakers aren't so sure it's fair enough..."

Reference: madison.com
Windfall Elimination Provision, social security,

Will The Maximum Social Security Benefit Increase In 2020?

Title: Will The Maximum Social Security Benefit Increase In 2020?

Article Snip: "...There is some good news and some bad news for workers near the top of the Social Security payroll tax levels. For 2019, the top-level is $132,900 or more. The bad news is that more of your income will get hit with Social Security taxes in 2020..."

Reference: www.forbes.com
social security, Maximum Social Security Benefit,

Retire Before Age 40?! 10 Towns Where Your Dream Can Come True

Title: Retire Before 40?! 10 Towns Where Your Dream Can Come True

Article Snip: "...#1 is Huntsville, Alabama, Average salary: $54,630**, Percentage of high-paying jobs: 28.1%, Median home sale price: $202,900. This Southern city is anything but sleepy, since it serves as home to the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, the U.S. Army’s Redstone Arsenal, and offices for Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman. With such aerospace, defense, and tech heavyweights in the area, Huntsville is famed for its educated workforce and sky-high wages to go with it. Paired with Huntsville's low home prices and a cost of living 3.3% lower than the national average..."

Reference: www.chron.com
Huntsville Alabama, Alabama, Retirement,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Federal Retirees Will Get 1.6% COLA in 2020

Title: Federal Retirees Will Get 1.6% COLA in 2020

Article Snip: "...Retired federal workers will receive a cost of living adjustment of 1.6% to their defined benefit pensions next year..."

Reference: www.govexec.com
COLA, 2020 Federal Retiree COLA,

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Watch for These 9 Signs of Identity Theft

Title: Watch for These 9 Signs of Identity Theft

Article Snip: "...contact the three major credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, to request a credit freeze on your accounts. Also known as a security freeze, this helps prevent new accounts from being opened in your name. A credit freeze is free and won’t affect your credit score..."

Reference: www.msn.com

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Social Security: Finally A Plan to Help The Majority Instead Of Just The Wealthy

Title: Elizabeth Warren’s new plan calls for tax hike on wealthy to pay for Social Security overhaul

Article Snip: "...Sen. Elizabeth Warren is calling for the wealthy to pay for an overhaul of Social Security that would boost the annual payment to retirees by $2,400 and extend the program’s solvency by two decades..."

Reference: www.chicagotribune.com
Working Class Help, social security, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),

Monday, September 2, 2019

Top Retirement Strategies for Government Employees

Title: Top Retirement Strategies for Government Employees

How retirement benefits differ and work for government employees

Article Snip: "...Retirement planning is different if your career has been as a government employee. The mainstream advice about 401(k) plans and Social Security benefits doesn’t apply to you. Here’s a look at the top strategies for government employees to plan for a successful retirement..."

Reference: www.investopedia.com

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Should You Carry Your Mortgage Into Retirement?

Title: Should You Carry Your Mortgage Into Retirement?

Article Snip: "...there can be some drawbacks. Carrying a mortgage in retirement can be a good idea in certain situations, but it is certainly not a one-size-fits-all solution for increasing retirement income..."

Reference: www.investopedia.com

Baby Boomers: Don't Buy Into These 10 Pre-Retirement Investment Myths

Title: Baby Boomers: Don't Buy Into These 10 Pre-Retirement Investment Myths

Article Snip: "...As Baby Boomers approach retirement, they may encounter a lot of so-called “expert” advice telling them how to invest just before or during their golden years. While some of this guidance is sound, other tips are myths that may, in fact, steer investors in the wrong direction..."

Reference: www.forbes.com

Monday, July 29, 2019

What You Don't Know (But Should) About Your Thrift Savings Plan

Title: What You Don't Know (But Should) About Your Thrift Savings Plan

Article Snip: "...federal employees and members of the military save for retirement with a different kind of account: the Thrift Savings Plan, or TSP. In some ways, TSPs function similarly to 401(k)s. You make contributions, and your..."

Reference: www.forbes.com
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP),

Monday, July 15, 2019

What's a Roth 401(k)? The other employer-based retirement plan that lets your savings grow tax free

Title: What's a Roth 401(k)? The other employer-based retirement plan that lets your savings grow tax free

Article Snip: "...The Roth 401(k), like a Roth IRA, lets you build a nest egg that grows tax-free, but relatively few workers take advantage of this opportunity..."

Reference: www.nbcnews.com

Friday, July 5, 2019

The 10 Worst US States for Opportunity

Title: The 10 Worst US States for Opportunity

Article Snip: "...The Alabama State is ranked 3rd worst in opportunities mainly due to poor remuneration for employees. The workforce earns below the national average per household.Allocation to public schools is lesser than in other states. Crime rates are comparatively higher. The recent job growth is about 0.04% while the cost of living index is at 91.2. Alabama is ranked 48th in economic opportunities though in terms of affordability it is ranked 17th..."

Reference: www.worldatlas.com

Alabama next to last in US News ranking of best and worst states

Title: Alabama next to last in US News ranking of best and worst states

Article Snip: "...Alabama ranked last among the states in the education category. Its other rankings were..."

Reference: www.al.com

You're Most Likely to Die From Cancer in 1 of These States

Title: You're Most Likely to Die From Cancer in 1 of These States

Article Snip: "...looking at data from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention on cancer rates in different states. The states with the highest incidence rates for cancer are Kentucky, Rhode Island, Delaware, Louisiana and New Jersey. The states with the lowest rates are New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming, Alaska and Virginia..."

Reference: www.usnews.com
Cancer Rates (Death)

Rates of Unsolved Murder by State

Title: Rates of Unsolved Murder by State

Article Snip: "...News reports based on FBI statistics show that somewhere between 35%-40% of homicides in the US go unsolved in the US today. Uniform Crime Reporting data, available at the state level (excluding Florida)..."

Reference: www.unz.com
Rates of Unsolved Murder by State

America's Most Dangerous States

Title: America's Most Dangerous States

Article Snip: "...Of course, crime rates cannot be analyzed in isolation. To gain a better sense of safety across the country, it's helpful to incorporate statistics pertaining to clearance rates to gauge how often crimes are actually solved. Additionally, historical figures present a more balanced picture of how violent crime is evolving in each region: For example, the South has the highest murder rate per capita, but did boast the most year-over-year improvement in that category in 2017..."

Reference: www.safehome.org
Alabama (5), Most Dangerous States, Crime,

10 Best and Worst States for Health Insurance Costs

Title: 10 Best and Worst States for Health Insurance Costs

Article Snip: "...The combination of a high monthly premium, high deductible and high copays make Alabama the third-worst state for health insurance costs. The state’s lowest-cost silver plan, the Silver Compass 5000 plan offered by UnitedHealthcare, has a high deductible of $5,000, after which the enrollee is still responsible for 20 percent of care costs and a $20 copay for primary doctor visits. These lackluster benefits come at an above-median cost of $288 a month, or $3,456 a year. The state has not opted to expand Medicaid..."

Reference: www.huffpost.com
Health Insurance Costs, Alabama the third-worst state for health insurance costs, Alabama,

Top ten states with the highest sales tax rates in the US

Title: Top ten states with the highest sales tax rates in the US

Article Snip: "...ALABAMA (9.14%) – The state sales tax rate in Alabama is only 4%, but again the majority of the sales tax rate comes from a combination of city, county, and district rates. Many cities have a combined rate in the double digits, with the highest being 11% in the city of York..."

Reference: intuit.com
high-tax states for retirement, Taxes in Retirement, highest sales tax rates in the US, Alabama,