Title: 2011 Special Incentive Offer FAQs
Article Snip: "...What are the basic details of the 2011 Special Incentive Offer?
On March 23, 2011, the Postal Service announced a Special Incentive offer for the following targeted groups:
Career non-bargaining employees assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Field Units, including PCES and attorneys
Career non-bargaining employees assigned to Area Offices, including PCES
Career non-bargaining employees assigned to District Customer Service Offices (the offer includes PCES in closing districts only)..."
Reference: usps.gov
President says ICE permitted to enforce the law at churches and schools,
directs agency to use ‘common sense’
Trump says ICE can arrest people at churches and schools, directs agency to
use ‘common sense’ Snippet of Article: "Federal immigration authorities
will be...