Title: Special Extra Earnings for Military Service
Article Snip: "...Since 1957, if you had military service earnings for active duty (including active duty for training), you paid Social Security taxes on those earnings. Since 1988, inactive duty service in the Armed Forces reserves (such as weekend drills) has also been covered by Social Security.
Under certain circumstances, special extra earnings for your military service from 1957 through 2001 can be credited to your record for Social Security purposes. These extra earnings credits may help you qualify for Social Security or increase the amount of your Social Security benefit. ..."
Reference: www.ssa.gov
Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing |
EXECUTIVE ORDER | January 20, 2025
Article Title: * Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And
Preferencing | EXECUTIVE ORDER | January 20, 2025*
Article Snip: "DEIs infiltrat...