Article Snip: "Illegal Aliens in Denver and New York City Purchasing Fraudulent Social Security Cards...Top destination choices for illegal aliens due to their sanctuary policies – are experiencing an uptick in illegal aliens purchasing fraudulent social security cards...This uptick is concerning given it signals both a growing amount of identity fraud perpetrated on Americans and the use of these numbers to illegally obtain jobs. In New York City, where nearly 180,000 illegal aliens have entered since 2022, criminals with ties to MS-13 and the 18th Street gang are openly selling social security cards to migrants on street corners in Queens."
Boston’s Democrat Mayor Wu Criticized for Offering Condolences to Family of
Attacker Killed by Cop
Article Title: Boston’s Democrat Mayor Wu Criticized for Offering
Condolences to Family of Attacker Killed by Cop Snippet of Article:
"...Boston’s Democrat...