Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

New York tops list of least affordable states to retire in

Title: New York tops list of least affordable states to retire in

Article Snip: "The Empire State ranked at the very bottom in terms of affordability, and 46th overall when factoring in quality of life and healthcare, according to a report by WalletHub comparing all 50 states. ...The report noted that even with $1 million in retirement savings, the average person would only be able to cover about 14 years of expenses. “Retirees must evaluate the burden of state and local taxes when making their residential decisions..."

Worst states to retire in,New York,Least affordable states to retire in,

Saturday, October 29, 2022

New Jersey and New York are the worst states to retire in, according to a new report

Title: New Jersey and New York are the worst states to retire in, according to a new report

Article Snip: "A new report from WalletHub seeks to scientifically calculate and rank the best and worst states to retire in. Coming in dead last? New Jersey. If you find yourself laughing at your Garden State neighbors from the other side of the Hudson, you may want to save your Schadenfreude – New York ranked just a hair better for retirees. ...Florida is America's best state to retire in."

Crime, No Cash Bail, Worst states to retire in, New York, New Jersey,