Title: OPM extends long-term care program suspension | New enrollments are on hold until December 2026
Article Snip: "...The U.S. Office of Personnel Management has extended the suspension period for all new Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program applications.
The agency, also known as OPM, initially suspended applications for two years beginning in 2022. This suspension has been extended until Dec. 19, 2026.
In a statement, OPM said the suspension is needed because of ongoing volatility in long-term care costs and a diminished insurance market..."
FLTCIP enrollees with the automatic compound inflation option (ACIO)
The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) held the 2023 Enrollee Decision Period from September to November 2023, providing FLTCIP enrollees personalized options to help mitigate the impact of a premium rate increase, effective January 1, 2024. Impacted enrollees with ACIO for inflation protection had the option to pay their premium increase in three phases. The second phase of the premium increase is effective January 1, 2025. We mailed a letter in early December notifying those who are affected. Log into your My LTCFEDS account for more information
Reference: usps.com