Showing posts with label Kamala Harris for President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kamala Harris for President. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2024

If You Hate America, Do Nothing Kamala Harris is Your Gang Loving, Pro-Illegal, America Hating Next President to Rep Your Values

Title: Armed Gangs of Illegal Aliens Taking Over Aurora, CO Apartment Buildings - and Nothing Is Being Done

Article Snip: "...In Aurora, Colorado, armed criminal gangs are taking over apartment buildings. The gangs are charging rent on the apartments they have seized; they are selling drugs and, according to accounts from displaced residences, engaged in sex trafficking. And the local authorities seem unable, or unwilling, to do anything about it. ... Potential gang activity was caught on surveillance camera in a Colorado apartment building after what one former resident calls "no accountability" kept law enforcement from assisting."

Armed Gangs Take Over America With Kamala 'Do Nothing' Harris Turning a Biased-Blind Eye to Garner Votes of Illegals,Destruction of America,