Title: Retirement date calculation
Article Snip: "...What is my retirement date?..."
Reference: blogs.federaltimes.com...providing retirement news snippets from various sources for federal employees, postal employees, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities who receive Social Security . Your resource for retirement living, investment, employment, health care, and retirement leisure. - Stay Informed!
Title: Retirement date calculation
Article Snip: "...What is my retirement date?..."
Reference: blogs.federaltimes.comTitle: Retirement Claims Backlog Spikes
Article Snip: "...The federal retirement claims backlog spiked 37 percent during the last month, due to an expected influx of new applications, according to the latest figures from the Office of Personnel Management...."
Reference: www.govexec.comTitle: Planning for the lean and mean retirement
Article Snip: "...Americans have some significant challenges to overcome if we want to be able to afford and enjoy our retirement years. As a result..."
Reference: www.cbsnews.comTitle: Just Explain It: Maximizing Your Social Security Retirement Benefits
Article Snip: "...According to the Social Security Administration, the average single beneficiary will get $21 more each month – $34 for couples. It’s not much to begin with, and some of that extra cash could end up going to things like higher Medicare premiums or just groceries...."
Reference: finance.yahoo.comTitle: One Recession Cost Is Lower Social Security Benefits
everify Social Security Lock | Protect Yourself From The Foreign Invasion Snippet of Article: "...Self Lock is the unique feature...