Title: The Health and Retirement Study
Article Snip: "...the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) — designed to inform the national retirement discussion as the population so dramatically ages. Since its launch in 1992, the HRS has painted a detailed portrait of America’s older adults, helping us learn about this growing population’s physical and mental health, insurance coverage, financial situations, family support systems, work status, and retirement planning. Through its unique and in-depth interviews with a nationally representative sample of adults over the age of 50, the HRS provides an invaluable, growing body of multidisciplinary data to help address the challenges and opportunities of aging. ..."
Reference: umich.edu
Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing |
EXECUTIVE ORDER | January 20, 2025
Article Title: * Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And
Preferencing | EXECUTIVE ORDER | January 20, 2025*
Article Snip: "DEIs infiltrat...