Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Should You Carry Your Mortgage Into Retirement?

Title: Should You Carry Your Mortgage Into Retirement?

Article Snip: "...there can be some drawbacks. Carrying a mortgage in retirement can be a good idea in certain situations, but it is certainly not a one-size-fits-all solution for increasing retirement income..."


Baby Boomers: Don't Buy Into These 10 Pre-Retirement Investment Myths

Title: Baby Boomers: Don't Buy Into These 10 Pre-Retirement Investment Myths

Article Snip: "...As Baby Boomers approach retirement, they may encounter a lot of so-called “expert” advice telling them how to invest just before or during their golden years. While some of this guidance is sound, other tips are myths that may, in fact, steer investors in the wrong direction..."
