Sunday, November 26, 2017

50-something feds dodge TSP tax bullet

Title: 50-something feds dodge TSP tax bullet

Article Snip: "...Federal workers who are 50 and older (and those who aspire to someday reach that it’s-not-as-bad-as-it-sounds age bracket), dodged a big bullet last week in the pending tax bill worked up by the Senate. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) proposed, then withdrew language that would have eliminated the..."


Saturday, November 18, 2017

2018 Medicare changes will erase Social Security COLAs for many

Title: 2018 Medicare changes will erase Social Security COLAs for many

Article Snip: "...Average Social Security benefits for retired workers will increase $27 per month to $1,404 per month in 2018, up from $1,377 this year. As a result, higher Medicare premiums will virtually wipe out any increase in Social Security benefits for many retirees next year..."

Medicare, Social Security COLA 2018,

Monday, November 13, 2017

Open Season Changes and the Five Year Rule

Title: Open Season Changes and the Five Year Rule

Article Snip: "...If you have not been covered under FEHB for most of your career, but want to be able to carry it into retirement, you might be planning on enrolling in FEHB five years before the year in which you plan to retire. The coverage must be for a full five years, so you need to be aware of when your FEHB enrollment becomes effective. Many people choose to retire on December 31st, but FEHB coverage is rarely effective on that date..."

Five Year Rule

Get A Bigger Monthly Social Security Check

Title: Get A Bigger Monthly Social Security Check

Article Snip: "...Should you take benefits early at 62? At normal retirement age? Or delay until 70? Here’s how to decide..."


Monday, November 6, 2017

The Advantages of Advance Funeral Planning

Title: The Advantages of Advance Funeral Planning

Article Snip: "...What you can do to help your heirs? Specify what final arrangements you’d like and make sure your family knows your wishes. Pre-paying for a burial plot may save money in the long run, as you’ll avoid future price increases..."

Funeral Expenses,