Friday, March 10, 2017

A federal employee retirement plan is a good model for better retirement saving

Title: A federal employee retirement plan is a good model for better retirement saving

Article Snip: "...The TSP offers a “target date” investing approach in which the plan automatically shifts federal employees’ savings from stock to bond funds as they approach retirement. And at retirement, the TSP offers annuities that let workers convert their lump sum savings into a monthly benefit that last for life. What’s not to like? A lot, according to Joanne Butler, a former House Ways and Means Committee staff ..."


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Social Security: Get your special extra earnings for periods of military active duty from 1957 through 2001

Title: Military Service and Social Security

Article Snip: "...Under certain circumstances, special extra earnings for periods of active duty from 1957 through 2001 can also be credited to your Social Security earnings record.
• From 1957 through 1967, we will add the extra credits to your record when you apply for Social Security benefits.
• From 1968 through 2001, you don’t need to do anything to receive these extra credits. The credits were automatically added to your record.
• After 2001, there are no special extra earnings credits for military service.
The information that follows explains how you can get credit for special extra earnings and applies only to active duty military service earnings from 1957 through 2001...

extra earnings for periods of military active duty (Social Security),