Saturday, February 25, 2017

Warren Buffett says investors should stick with index funds

Title: Warren Buffett says investors should stick with index funds

Article Snip: "...Buffett, widely considered one of the world's best investors, said in his annual letter to shareholders. 'Both large and small investors should stick with low-cost index funds.'..."

Warren Buffett

More Reading: Warren Buffett says The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing, is “By far the best book on investing ever written.”. Get your copy from Amazon by clicking the link.

Friday, February 24, 2017

15 Social Security Stats That Will Blow You Away

Title: 15 Social Security Stats That Will Blow You Away

Article Snip: "...Social Security pays close to 61 million Americans about $918 billion in benefits annually. If that sounds like a heck of a lot, it is. But it's only about $15,000, on average, per person. 10: In order to qualify for Social Security benefits based on your earnings, you need to collect 40 credits, where a credit is represented by your earning of at least $1,260 (as of 2016) within a year, with up to four credits that can be earned per year. Thus, most of us can qualify simply by working for a decade. Even if you only worked half of each year, 20 years of working could qualify you..."

social security,

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Planning for a Delayed Retirement

Title: Planning for a Delayed Retirement

Article Snip: "...According to the Office of Personnel Management, the average retirement age for a federal employee between 2005 and 2014 was 60.2 years and average length of service was 27.8 years; 54 percent of those were age 60 or older; and half of retirees had 30 or more years of service..."

Data Sources, Retirement Data, Retirement, Average Retirement Age, Delayed Retirement,