Title: Ted Cruz on Social Security
Article Snip: "...Q: How would you protect Social Security for today's seniors and strengthen it for future generations?
A: On Social Security, I am campaigning on a series of very specific reforms. For seniors receiving Social Security or near Social Security, there should be no changes in benefits whatsoever. For younger workers, we need to do three fundamental reforms.
- Gradually increase the retirement age.
- Social Security benefits right now grow about 1% greater than inflation; we should have those benefits grow at the rate of inflation, not 1% more.
- Third change that I think is absolutely critical is to allow taxpayers to have a portion of the Social Security funds go to a personal account that they own and control.
Source: Texas Tribune Interview in 2012 AARP Senate Voter Guide , Aug 24, 2012 ..."
Reference: www.ontheissues.org
Ted Cruz on Social Security, supports privatization,