Title: Can The Best Financial Tips Fit On An Index Card?
The Index Card |
Reference: www.gpb.org
...providing retirement news snippets from various sources for federal employees, postal employees, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities who receive Social Security . Your resource for retirement living, investment, employment, health care, and retirement leisure. - Stay Informed!
The Index Card |
Title: Paying Income Tax on Social Security Benefits
Article Snip: "...Whether or not you'll be required to pay federal income tax on your Social Security benefits will depend on your income and filing status. About 35 percent of Social Security recipients have total incomes high enough to trigger federal income tax on their benefits ..."
Reference: www.huffingtonpost.comTitle: Social Security options for single seniors
Article Snip: "...Widows, widowers and divorcees approaching retirement and about to file for Social Security, though, need to recognize filing options that can significantly increase monthly benefits. While rules are different for surviving spouses and divorcees..."
Reference: www.usatoday.comeverify Social Security Lock | Protect Yourself From The Foreign Invasion Snippet of Article: "...Self Lock is the unique feature...