Title: With a ‘Golden Parachute’ in Hand, Donahoe Opposes Retirement for Young Workers
Article Snip: "...apparently Donahoe’s views have nothing to do with the Postal Service’s manufactured “financial crisis.” He opposes government pensions on principle and wants to impose his view to the entire federal government. “I would encourage Congress to view the Postal Service as a test bed or laboratory of change that might be applied to the rest of the federal government,” he said. “I’d like to see the Congress encourage much more experimentation at the federal level,” Donahoe added. “The Postal Service has the kind of management that would appreciate being at the front edge of change and would make good use of opportunities.” APWU President Mark Dimondstein denounced Donahoe’s parting shot at young workers. “Donahoe’s remarks are the height of hypocrisy,” the union president said. “Every worker should be able to look forward to a stable, secure retirement.” ..."
Reference: www.apwu.org