Title: Democrats skeptical of USPS push to sponsor own healthcare program
Article Snip: "...“In destroying the FEHBP, the USPS would disrupt the health insurance of 8 million Americans..."
Reference: thehill.com...providing retirement news snippets from various sources for federal employees, postal employees, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities who receive Social Security . Your resource for retirement living, investment, employment, health care, and retirement leisure. - Stay Informed!
Title: Democrats skeptical of USPS push to sponsor own healthcare program
Article Snip: "...“In destroying the FEHBP, the USPS would disrupt the health insurance of 8 million Americans..."
Reference: thehill.comTitle: Interior Department planning for 7% staffing cut
Article Snip: "...The Interior Department is developing a plan to cut almost 5,000 jobs by September 2013, according to a memo this week from a top agency official, but a spokeswoman for the Office of Management and Budget downplayed the likelihood that the plan will take effect...."
Reference: www.federaltimes.comTitle: IRS offers targeted buyouts to employees in enforcement divisions
Article Snip: "...The early retirements and buyout offers will be offered to employees in three enforcement areas..."
Reference:everify Social Security Lock | Protect Yourself From The Foreign Invasion Snippet of Article: "...Self Lock is the unique feature...