Title: For AARP, A 'Monumental' Shift On Social Security?
Article Snip: "...AARP recognizes benefit cuts in Social Security may be unavoidable in the future. But it wasn't something the organization wanted to see highlighted on the front page of a major newspaper...."
Monday, June 27, 2011
AARP recognizes benefit cuts in Social Security may be unavoidable
Bachmann for President ...if you don't mind more attacks on Social Security and Medicare
Title: Bachmann formally announces presidential bid in Waterloo, Iowa
Article Snip: "...hypocrisy and shameless self-promotion. Her support for ending Medicare and 'weaning' people off Social Security is proof enough that Michele Bachmann would be a terrible President,” said Martin..."
Reference: hometownsource.com
Monday, June 20, 2011
3.5% Federal Retiree COLA for Jan. 2012?
Title: Retirees Eye 3.5 Percent Raise!
Article Snip: "...federal, military and Social Security retirees are looking at a possible January cost of living adjustment of 3.5 percent..."
Reference: www.federalnewsradio.com
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