Monday, September 30, 2013

Retirement options when faced with a RIF

Title: Retirement-eligible? Know your RIF options

Article Snip: "...options available to employees who are eligible to retire when facing a RIF..."

Retirement options when faced with a RIF

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Social Security Q & A

Title: The High Cost to Your Family of Filing for Social Security at 62, Even If You Need the Money

Article Snip: "...Even if you really need the money, consider picking up another job or downsizing before starting your Social Security benefits early...."


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

FEHBP, Medicare and Postal Workers would be harmed by Issa / Postmaster General healthcare plan

Title: GAO: USPS Healthcare Plan Would Hurt Medicare, Postal Workers

Article Snip: "...“The FEHBP, which includes many non-profit plans, is one of the best health insurance programs in the country,” Guffey added. “Removing postal employees would jeopardize the FEHBP, and would result in less coverage and higher healthcare costs for postal workers. ..."

Postal Service Healthcare plan,